Because this is your life.
Personal boundaries are the key to personal freedom. They are the key to healthy relationships. They are the key to a fulfilling life.
I work with clients who are struggling to set healthy boundaries in their personal and professional lives. Together, we identify areas where the lack of boundaries is undermining their success and happiness, we determine what boundaries need to be set or strengthened and we create a strategy for making these changes. I hold clients accountable for what they’ve committed to and then they bask in the sunshine of their more empowered and authentic lives.
Do you…..
Feel exhausted much of the time?
Say “yes” to people’s requests, even when you really want to say “no”?
Feel resentful toward those around you?
Often wonder to yourself “When will it be my turn?”
Feel guilty for wanting it to be “your turn”?
Look around and wonder how everyone else seems to have time for themselves when you can’t find a single minute of solitude?
Taken one by one, we can explain away each of these experiences. Taken together, day in and day out over the course of a lifetime, they are draining, discouraging, frustrating, limiting and resentment-building.
If you don't set your own boundaries, who will do it for you? How can someone respect a boundary that you haven't set?
The fact is, we teach people how to treat us.
Then why is it so damn hard for so many of us to do this? The answer is personal for each individual, but there are common themes:
- Fear of letting people down / disappointing people
- Fear of being thought of as a “bad” person, or a selfish person, or a lazy person
- Being afraid to “rock the boat” or upset anyone
- Needing to be liked by everyone
What's possible for you if you start saying yes to yourself and no to the things you don't want? What would that version of your life look like?

I was born to lift people up, I can detect the need for a boundary from a mile away and I believe that people are SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL than they realize.
I’m also a recovering people-pleaser.
“Working with Tiffany has shaped my life in meaningful ways, from establishing life goals to navigating sticky family boundaries. She is a deeply principled person who will listen, guide and inspire you.”
—Joy G.